Dr. Patricia Bieging
executive editor
Patricia Bieging has a PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA-USP, a Master’s degree in Education, in the Education and Communication line, from the Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC, a postgraduate degree in Advertising and Marketing from Estácio de Sá Santa Catarina College and a Bachelor’s degree in Social Communication from the University of Southern Santa Catarina.
She is a reviewer for the FUMDES Program – Support Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Higher Education – of the Santa Catarina State Department of Education.
She is an Ad Hoc evaluator for the International Scholars Journals (USA), Educational Research (UK and Nigeria), the Intexto Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Communication and Information of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and the Vozes e Diálogo Journal of the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI). He is a member of the Scientific Editorial Committee of Editora Pimenta Cultural.
He teaches courses in the postgraduate program in Communication, Design and New Media. He has worked in communications for over 23 years. He has experience in the field of Communication, with an emphasis on telecommunication, corporate and cultural planning and marketing. Since 2009 he has been working on the development and production of projects in the cultural field.
His publications cover topics related to: television, transmedia, cultural identity, stereotyping, subjectivity, cultural and consumer practices.
In 2011 she published a book entitled: Populars and Losers: children talk about media stereotypes. The work highlights children’s daily relationship with stereotyped identities produced by the media.
He has worked and studied abroad, where he also produced a short film in New York, USA: Blind Date – a short film that qualified for the XV Festival Nacional 5 Minutos (Bahia) and the Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Vagón (Mexico).

Dr. Raul Inácio Busarello
creative director
lattes curriculum
Raul Inácio Busarello holds a PhD and a Master’s degree in Engineering and Knowledge Management, in the area of Media and Knowledge, from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). He has a postgraduate degree in Graphic Design and Corporate Strategy, a Bachelor’s degree in Social Communication with an emphasis on Advertising and a Specialist in Cinema from the New York Film Academy – USA.
He is currently a professor at Anhembi Morumbi University, where he teaches undergraduate Design courses. He has also worked as a lecturer at two universities in southern Brazil, teaching Graphic Design, Interior Design and Advertising courses. He works as a Creative/Art Director, Designer, Film Director and Screenwriter and Illustrator.
She has developed a prototype learning object that allows deaf people to learn graphic concepts through a comic book narrative. This learning object was a finalist for the Best Learning Object award at LACLO 2013 – Latin American Conference on Learning Objects and Technologies – Chile.
He is a member of the research group “Inclusive education: web environment with learning objects for graphic representation” at UFSC. He has been working in creative areas of companies for over 18 years.
His publications cover topics such as hypermedia narrative, comics, accessibility and subjectivity. He is a member of the Scientific Editorial Committee of Editora Pimenta Cultural.
He has academic and professional experience abroad, having participated in the production of a dozen short films and one feature film. He also wrote a short film in New York: Blind Date – shortlisted for the XV Festival Nacional 5 Minutos (Bahia) and the Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Vagón (Mexico).
In 2009 he received an award for creating the commemorative brand for the 60th anniversary of the Santa Catarina Museum of Art.